Child Custody Presumptions in Minnesota
Child Custody and Parenting Time in Minnesota
A recent blog post addressed the presumption under Minnesota law that a parent is entitled to have at least 25 percent of the parenting time with their child. Other notable presumptions in family law exist today that a parent also should know. They involve two types of custody: (1) legal custody: and (2) physical custody.
Legal custody means the right to be involved in and make decisions regarding the child’s upbringing, including schooling, medical care, and religion. Joint legal custody means that both parents have equal input regarding the major aspects of the child’s upbringing. Sole legal custody means that one parent has sole authority over the major aspects of the child’s upbringing.
Physical Custody of the Children
Physical custody means the routine daily care of the child and where the child lives. Joint physical custody means that the routine daily care of the child is shared between the parents. This can be a 50/50 custody arrangement where the parents share care of the child equally (for example, every week). The child may be in one parent’s care more than the other, but the parents may agree to call it joint physical custody. In addition, one parent can exercise sole physical custody, meaning the child’s residence is considered to be with that parent. That parent is responsible for the daily care and control of the child.

Joint Legal Custody
Minnesota law presumes that joint legal custody is in a child’s best interests. But this presumption is rebuttable. This means that a court may choose not to award the parents joint legal custody, and instead award sole legal custody giving one parent sole authority over the child’s upbringing, should there be evidence that the parents are unable or unwilling to cooperate in the raising of their child, or there has been domestic abuse.
There is a rebuttable presumption against both joint legal custody and joint physical custody when domestic abuse has occurred between the parents.
Determining Factors in Child Custody
Finally, there is no longer a presumption that the primary caretaker of the child be awarded custody. A parent’s role as a homemaker and primary caretaker for the child, regardless of the parent’s gender, is just one of the many factors a court will consider when making a custody determination.
These are just a few of the things a parent should know about child custody law in Minnesota. They also emphasize the importance of having a knowledgeable and experienced family law attorney like the attorneys at Jeddeloh Snyder Stommes represent your interests as a parent.
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