Child Support and Child Custody Know How

What You Should Know About Child Support & Child Custody
Child support can have lasting effects on the lives of children and the primary parent. Many factors can influence a child support award. The child support attorneys at Jeddeloh Snyder Stommes have earned a solid reputation as the area’s trusted child support attorneys. We will work aggressively so you can gain the most favorable results in your child support case. Serving all types of child support cases in the St. Cloud, Cold Spring, and Big Lake areas. Child support is the act of a parent financially supporting their child using their income. Another component of child support is child custody. Child custody exists when one of the parents has custody of the child, and they are in charge of completely supporting the child. Depending on the judge’s perception of the family situation, either both or one of the parents will be given custody. Perception will be the principal element to consider when the child support case is being determined by the judge.
Who receives custody of the child?
Many factors go into deciding which parent, if not both, should obtain custody and support of the child. A family law judge makes this decision. The judge’s factors in deciding the ruling are based on which parent would be a better protector and supporter of the child. In other words, what’s in the child’s best interest. These decisions are also referred to as custody agreements.Custody Agreements in Relation to Child Support
Custody agreements are arrangements that allow both legal guardians or parents to have their own time with their child. The types of custody agreements range from legal custody, physical custody, joint legal custody, and sole custody of the child. Legal custody refers to the ability to make all major decisions for the child. Physical custody involves sharing the protection of the child with the other parent or legal guardian. Joint legal custody allows both parents or legal guardians to have a say in the decisions that are made for the child. Lastly, sole custody allows one parent to oversee more major responsibilities for the child than the other parent or legal guardian.
Custody agreements intertwine with child support by deciding who retains the child’s legal rights and who will have to make the child support payments for the child. Again, the court will make these crucial decisions in the child’s best interest. In addition, custody agreements compromise the amount of time the father and mother are allowed to spend with their child before the other parent has the chance to spend time with them. This compromise is known as parenting time.
Taking Time to Support Your Child
Every parent is entitled to some parenting time. Unless the parent is considered dangerous to the child, the child’s parent or legal guardian, or themselves, they should never be denied parenting time. It would be unfair for the child to live with a destructive parent. It would also be unfair to the parent who is considered to be the safer of the two parents. Unless you are an unstable and volatile parent, you should always have time to parent your child. The court judge will determine whether the parent is safe for the child to have visitation (parenting time) with them.
During this complicated time, it’s necessary to continue to be positive parents and have a healthy parent-parent relationship. If you have struggled with the other parent in the past, being forward-looking will bring out the positivity in the child as they are going through this extremely difficult time in their lives. Positive parents will significantly impact the child’s immediate and future well-being.

Expectations of Child Support Cases
There are many factors to consider in child support cases, and the process can become complicated quickly. Child support proceedings are filled with many complex situations that affect how and when child support is awarded. Ensure your making the best decisions for yourself and your family. Make sure to consult a child support attorney who is accomplished in child support laws and has the experience to handle your case confidently.Looking for help with your child custody case?
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