St Cloud Divorce Attorneys – Family Law Attorney in St Cloud MN

Experienced Divorce Attorneys in Negotiation & Trials

St Cloud’s Trusted Divorce Attorneys

When it comes to life-changing decisions such as a divorce, custody of your children, and decisions such as child support or spousal maintenance, Jeddeloh Snyder Stommes has the divorce attorneys you can trust. Whether the outcome affects your children, home, or financial security, our divorce attorneys are committed to protecting your interests.


Divorce is a Life-Changing Decision; you need an Experienced Divorce Attorney!

Divorce is more than the end of a marriage— it’s a life-altering experience. You need a divorce attorney with the knowledge and experience to avoid the many pitfalls. Our divorce attorneys guide you through every decision— because every decision can affect you and those you care about. Through proper planning, experience, and aggressive representation, our divorce attorneys will work hard to produce a favorable outcome.

Divorce St Cloud MN. wedding rings with wedding decor

A divorce can often start as a simple “dissolution of marriage” but quickly becomes complicated. No matter how your divorce starts, you need an experienced divorce attorney to protect your interests.

Additionally, we offer a host of other family law services. Whether you need help working through adoption or pursuing grandparent rights, our family law attorneys have the expertise to make the process go more smoothly. We can also review and/or prepare a prenuptial agreement to give you peace of mind going into a new marriage.


Contested Divorce

A contested divorce is when one or both spouses disagree with the divorce and/or the terms presented in the divorce agreement. A contested divorce presents many additional challenges, but they can be overcome so that the divorcing couple can stay civil toward one another. Our divorce attorneys have experience in many types of issues in divorce.

Father and Daughter in Winter Forest

Uncontested Divorce

In an uncontested divorce, both spouses agree to the divorce and can also decide on significant issues without conflict. However, for the divorce to remain amicable, all decisions must be able to be agreed on. Having an expert divorce lawyer on your side will make all the difference in the outcome of your divorce. Often, a divorce can start out with agreements between spouses, but disagreements can quickly change the divorce into a contested situation.

Custody and Child Support

When children are involved, child custody and child support are two significant hurdles to clear during a divorce. A divorce attorney can provide advice to help parents to arrive at acceptable solutions that are in the children’s best interests.

Spousal Support and Property Division

Once the divorce has been initiated, a person’s mind often quickly turns to the issue of spousal maintenance and division of property. Both are important concerns, but you need to understand what is involved. The best way to understand these complicated matters is to have an experienced divorce attorney working for you.


Spousal Support

Formerly known as alimony, spousal maintenance is a monetary payment to assist one of the spouses with living expenses. Our divorce attorneys will help you understand the rules about spousal maintenance.


Property Division

The division of property falls under two main categories: marital property and non-marital property. As a no-fault state, the determination of the division of property in Minnesota is not based on marital misconduct; the Court is to make a fair and equitable division of said property, and a divorce attorney can help you understand what is fair and equitable.

Have Experienced Divorce Attorneys On Your Side

When it comes to divorce, having a divorce lawyer help you through the process will make the whole experience smoother and less stressful. Our divorce attorneys are knowledgeable in all aspects of Divorce and Family Law and will help take care of you and your interests. In addition, we will aggressively work towards favorable outcomes. 

Do you have questions about divorce?

Divorce is a complicated matter filled with questions and uncertainties. Our divorce attorneys are here to help! Contact us for an initial consultation with one of our experienced and trusted family law attorneys. We have the answers to your questions and the aggressive representation you need. Call us at any of our three convenient office locations, or complete our consultation form, and we will contact you.

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Divorce & Family Law - Cases We Handle

We can help with any of the following:

  • Contested Divorce
  • Uncontested Divorce
  • Spousal Maintenance
  • Child Custody
  • Custody Agreements
  • Child Support
  • Parenting Time
  • Motion to Custody
  • Motion to Modify Parenting Time
  • Motion to Move out of State
  • Motion to Modify Child Support
  • Motion to Modify Spousal Maintenance
  • Property and Debt Division
  • Post-Decree Motions
  • Child Protection
  • Paternity
  • Prenuptial Agreements
  • Adoption
  • Grandparent Rights
  • Trials and Court Hearings
  • Divorce and Family Law Appeals

Minnesota Divorce Articles

Dissolution of Marriage Questionnaire

If you are ready to start the divorce process download our Dissolution of Marriage Questionnaire to get started.

St Cloud’s Most Trusted Family Law Firm

We are committed to helping families through hard times with experienced legal advocacy.