Child Custody Agreements

Child Custody Attorneys in St. Cloud, MN

What is a Child Custody Agreement?

In Minnesota, custody agreements can vary widely depending on the parties and the children’s best interests. In addition, Minnesota courts distinguish between legal and physical custody, with either sole or joint custody for each. Jeddeloh Snyder Stommes will help you understand the differences and how it affects parenting time. Since this is an important issue, contacting a family law attorney well-versed in child custody is incredibly beneficial.

Child custody. Father and son fishing

Physical Child Custody

Physical custody refers to the general day-to-day care for the child. Parents with physical custody care for the child’s routine needs like clothing, food, and transportation. The child will live with the parent granted physical custody. The other parent will be given parenting time (visitation). Parenting Time gives the parent without physical custody a specific schedule with their children. For example, the agreement could be every other weekend, and division of holidays, and summer vacation days. There are other physical custody agreements your child custody attorney can help you work out. Contact our compassionate and experienced child custody attorneys today.

Little Brother and Sister African American play houses with wooden bricks

Legal Child Custody

Legal custody refers to a parent’s right to participate in and make major decisions regarding the child’s upbringing. It also grants a parent the right to be involved in decisions regarding the child’s religion, education, and health care. The relationship between parents may also get more complicated and possibly worsen. While it is rare that a parent will not receive at least joint legal custody, a history of domestic abuse or a parent’s inability to cooperate with the other parent can prevent an award of joint legal custody. The child’s best interests must be kept in mind when seeking sole legal custody. Your child custody attorney will help you determine what custody agreement arrangement is in the best interests of your children.

Sole Custody

The court will decide whether parents will share joint custody or whether one parent will have sole custody at the end of custody proceedings. There are instances where sole and joint legal and physical custody combinations exist. In Minnesota, joint legal custody and joint physical custody arrangements are becoming more common.


Joint Custody

In the case of joint physical custody, parents may have either an equal or unequal distribution of parenting time with the child. The courts will determine the parenting time schedule based on “best interest” factors, such as the desires of the parents and child, the strength of the parent-child relationship, and the child’s relationship with other siblings and family members. This delicate topic should be discussed with a family law attorney, a child custody attorney, or a parenting time attorney.

Child Custody in MN. Brother and sister smiling and laughing.

Have A Child Custody Attorney On Your Side

Disagreements quickly arise in child custody matters; having a lawyer help you through the process will make the whole experience smoother and less stressful. Our family law attorneys are knowledgeable in all aspects of Family Law and will help take care of you and yours. We will aggressively work towards favorable outcomes.

To guide you through a divorce or a custody battle, get experienced attorneys on your side.

Do you have questions about child custody?

Child custody is a complicated matter filled with questions and uncertainties. Our family law attorneys are here to help! Contact us for an initial consultation with one of our experienced and trusted family law attorneys. We are the Central Minnesota lawyers with the answers to your questions and the aggressive representation you need. Call us at any of our three convenient office locations, or complete our consultation form, and we will contact you.

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Divorce & Family Law - Cases We Handle

We can help with any of the following:

  • Contested Divorce
  • Uncontested Divorce
  • Spousal Maintenance
  • Child Custody
  • Custody Agreements
  • Child Support
  • Parenting Time
  • Motion to Custody
  • Motion to Modify Parenting Time
  • Motion to Move out of State
  • Motion to Modify Child Support
  • Motion to Modify Spousal Maintenance
  • Property and Debt Division
  • Post-Decree Motions
  • Child Protection
  • Paternity
  • Prenuptial Agreements
  • Adoption
  • Grandparent Rights
  • Trials and Court Hearings
  • Divorce and Family Law Appeals

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